Category selection is important!
Selecting correct category for your item is essential part of selling process.
If you select improper category, potentional buyers will not be able to find your item and it will take much more time to sell it.
Localize item
You should at least select region & city for your listing, so customers those search only offers in their city or region can find your listings.
Trusted and open seller
You should enter phone number, as most of solid customers prefer phone contact way.
For faster listing publishing and contacting with customers, it is recommended to create and account, logged-in users are more trusted.
Wisely select price
Price should reflect real status and properties of your listing. If you select too high price, it may take much longer to sell your product.
You can also select transaction and condition to better describe status of your item and transaction you are looking for.
Photos are selling!
Did you know that listing with photos sells 7x faster than one with no photo?
Real product photos are key element for fast selling and helps customer to decide if product is really what they are looking for.
Additional decription
Title is used in search so it is recommended to use keywords of your listing in title.
Detail description will also provide customers all information they need and reduce need to contact you.